TT MAESTRO ENTERPRISE LIMITED based in Ghana is the registrant and full owner of the domain

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. The calendar date of the most recent update will always be displayed on this page. You are encouraged to periodically review this Privacy Policy in order to stay best informed.

1. Consent Section

By entering this website you consent to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. This policy exists to tell you about how we collect, store and protect your data, and to inform you of your rights.

2. How we collect your data

We collect your data in various ways, some of these require input from you, whilst others occur automatically. We will also store your information once we have collected it. The full list of data that we collect and store is detailed below:

- When you create an account, you will be asked for your personal and contact details, this includes your full name, email address and contact number.

- When you purchase products or services with us, you will be required to enter your personal and contact details along with your billing information. This includes the name of the bank account holder, card details and billing address.

- When you browse on our site, we will collect data regarding your preferences and browsing habits so that we can tailor our site to you by suggesting products and adverts which might be of interest.

- We will store data related to previous correspondences between the company and the customer. These include but are not limited to billing invoices and feedback/ reviews.

- Data related to your purchasing history; this includes things such as the product type you bought, when you bought, payment method, any discounts that were applied.

- Anonymised data analytics and technical data; this includes things such as your IP address, the device and browser type that you used to access our site, the manner in which you moved around our website and any items that you searched for.

3. Why do we need your data?

We collect your data to benefit you. Our methods allow you to make future payments with ease and provide you with information and product suggestions which may be of interest to you.

We will sometimes send you emails to the address that you used to create your account. These will be infrequent and will only ever be for one of the following reasons:

- To inform you of any changes to our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy.

- To send invoices, receipts or payment prompts.

- To let you know about annual sales and special discounts

Collecting customer usage and technical data can assist us with improving our site for you. If we know how people are moving around our site, we can tell how well it is working and make alterations to the page structure/ design if necessary. Monitoring this data can also assist us with the detection of fraud and unusual browsing behaviour. is committed to using and storing your data responsibly. We maintain transparency regarding how your data is used and in no circumstance will we disclose your data to third parties without gaining consent.

4. Understand Customer Rights

We have the right to collect, use and store your data in line with the terms in this Privacy Policy, and you, as the customer, have the right to know about this data and request to view, change or remove this from our database. We would like to make you aware of your rights, as a customer you have the right to:

- The right to view, or receive a copy of, all your personal data that is being held by the company at that time.

- The right to request the details regarding how the data is being stored.

- To request to alter, remove or restrict the use of their personal data if it is incomplete, inaccurate or no longer required to be stored by the company

- You have the legal right to withdraw or remove your permission for the company to hold or process your data at any time, without giving an explanation.

5. Cookie Policy

At Web Design 4 Beginners, we use cookies to help us improve user experience. Cookies are used to track your movement on our site which may help us when customising for you in the future. When following links on our site to third-party sites, you should ensure you read the external site's cookie policy as it may differ from our own.

Cookies do not store your personal data and are therefore anonymous. On this site we have advertising, analytics and site management cookies enabled. Advertising cookies allow advertisers to gather information regarding how often each ad is clicked. Analytics cookies monitor the method by which users access the site, once on the site, they also help us to work out which features are working best, and which features could be optimised further. Site management cookies allow us to temporarily store your data whilst you are on our site. This allows you to put items in a virtual basket and remain logged in to your account for the duration of your visit.

Most browsers automatically accept website cookies, however, you have the ability to alter this in your browser’s settings. Please be aware that in doing so, the functionality of the site may be affected.

6. Security

The company has measures in place on to ensure that you and your data remain secure whilst you browse our website. Our technical professionals are up to date with the latest hacker prevention methods. We even have an internal security team as well as our contracted internet security consultant. Annual audits and penetration testing of our security measures ensure that we have all the latest measures in place and that they are all working effectively.

When we store the data that we collect from our customers (see section 3), where practical, this data is anonymised before it is stored. Where it is not logical to anonymise the data, customer information is stored in a secure database which is firewall protected; we also have administrative, technical and physical measures in place. In no instance will we sell the information that you submit to us to third parties, unless we have first gained your permission or if we are required to do so by law.

We retain your data for the minimum timespan deemed necessary either by law or by our management team. The time periods that your personal information is retained for vary depending on the nature of the information, this is in order to provide you with the most helpful and convenient service and protect us in the event of possible disputes. For example, we will keep your email address for the duration your account is active, whereas we will only keep support message communications for a short time period after the thread has been closed.

When compelled by the law, we will disclose your personal information in response to requests by public authorities.

7. Fraud

We have fraud protection in place to protect both the company and its customers. If we suspect fraud, we have the right to request additional information from a user requesting the access of the company or customer’s confidential data if we believe they may not be acting lawfully. We reserve the right to request that the civil authorities investigate the issue on our behalf.

8. Under 18s

Under 18s are not permitted on this site. They are not allowed to view our content, create an account or order products without the full consent of an adult. It is the responsibility of a parent or guardian to monitor their child's online activity and have parental settings in place which restrict internet browsing.

9. Miscellaneous

If a customer follows a link to an external website, is not responsible for the safe handling of your data on these sites and is not liable for any negative result as a consequence of this.

10. Contact us

Please use our contact form for a response from us, we will respond to all requests within 5 working days.